I took princenton test 1.
The score was 550 M40 V26. I was greatly disappointed by the maths score. Since, i didn't read the verbal section's rules, i didn't even review the verbal section.
Each and every PS that went wrong was due to only one reason. Not reading the question properly.
Just giving a thought to those great souls who guessed that idiots like me would not read the questions properly and they gave options accordingly. Otherwise, PS was a cake-walk. PS didn't require any of the things that are given in the text book. But, there was one problem which i didn't understand completely. Hence, even the plug-in technique didn't work.
This question is the excellent example of how people will suffer if they didn't read the question properly. This particular question i read the statement "1/2 of the handmade ornaments are antiques" as "1/2 of the ornaments are antiques" and treated antiques and ornaments as different entities and failed miserably.
Mysoon collects glass ornaments. Ten more than 1/6 of the ornaments in her collection are handmade and 1/2 of the handmade ornaments are antiques. If 1/9 of the ornaments in her collection are handmade antiques, how many ornaments are in her collection?
Correct answer is 180
9 Total Wrong
5 PS
4 DS
Given are the four DS i made mistakes. Unlike PS mistakes, the DS mistakes are genuine in the sense, mistake because of wrong logic.
What is the value of y?
1. When y is multiplied by 6, the result is between 40 and 45.
2. When y is multiplied by 3, the result is between 19 and 23.
My answer statement 2 is alone sufficient
Correct answer both are not sufficient
Mistake reason : I assumed y to be an integer.
What is the value of x?
1. (x+2)(x+3)=0
2. x^2+5x+6=0
My answer each statement alone is sufficient
Correct answer both are not sufficient
Mistake reason : I really didn't understand their reasoning here. I thought x=-2 or -3.
* + # = @
In addition problem above, * and # are single-digit numbers. * and # are +ve odd numbers and *>#. What is the value of *?
1. @ = 6
2. # = 1
My answer Both statements together
Correct answer statement 1 is sufficient
Mistake reason : Clean bowled in the logic.
What is the value of p?
1. 5p - 20 = 5
2. (p - 10)^2 = p^2
My answer statement 1 is sufficient
Correct answer each statement alone is sufficient
Mistake reason : How would you solve the second equation? I took sqrt on both sides and got the equation p - 10 = p which is non-sense equation. I should have expanded the equation for solving. Again mistake in the logic.
Lesson I learnt : Read the question properly even if takes longer time.
Data Sufficiency 11 4
Problem Solving 7 5
Critical Reasoning 9 3
Sentence Correction 9 6
Reading Comprehension 10 4
The score was 550 M40 V26. I was greatly disappointed by the maths score. Since, i didn't read the verbal section's rules, i didn't even review the verbal section.
Each and every PS that went wrong was due to only one reason. Not reading the question properly.
Just giving a thought to those great souls who guessed that idiots like me would not read the questions properly and they gave options accordingly. Otherwise, PS was a cake-walk. PS didn't require any of the things that are given in the text book. But, there was one problem which i didn't understand completely. Hence, even the plug-in technique didn't work.
This question is the excellent example of how people will suffer if they didn't read the question properly. This particular question i read the statement "1/2 of the handmade ornaments are antiques" as "1/2 of the ornaments are antiques" and treated antiques and ornaments as different entities and failed miserably.
Mysoon collects glass ornaments. Ten more than 1/6 of the ornaments in her collection are handmade and 1/2 of the handmade ornaments are antiques. If 1/9 of the ornaments in her collection are handmade antiques, how many ornaments are in her collection?
Correct answer is 180
9 Total Wrong
5 PS
4 DS
Given are the four DS i made mistakes. Unlike PS mistakes, the DS mistakes are genuine in the sense, mistake because of wrong logic.
What is the value of y?
1. When y is multiplied by 6, the result is between 40 and 45.
2. When y is multiplied by 3, the result is between 19 and 23.
My answer statement 2 is alone sufficient
Correct answer both are not sufficient
Mistake reason : I assumed y to be an integer.
What is the value of x?
1. (x+2)(x+3)=0
2. x^2+5x+6=0
My answer each statement alone is sufficient
Correct answer both are not sufficient
Mistake reason : I really didn't understand their reasoning here. I thought x=-2 or -3.
* + # = @
In addition problem above, * and # are single-digit numbers. * and # are +ve odd numbers and *>#. What is the value of *?
1. @ = 6
2. # = 1
My answer Both statements together
Correct answer statement 1 is sufficient
Mistake reason : Clean bowled in the logic.
What is the value of p?
1. 5p - 20 = 5
2. (p - 10)^2 = p^2
My answer statement 1 is sufficient
Correct answer each statement alone is sufficient
Mistake reason : How would you solve the second equation? I took sqrt on both sides and got the equation p - 10 = p which is non-sense equation. I should have expanded the equation for solving. Again mistake in the logic.
Lesson I learnt : Read the question properly even if takes longer time.
Data Sufficiency 11 4
Problem Solving 7 5
Critical Reasoning 9 3
Sentence Correction 9 6
Reading Comprehension 10 4
At 9:00 AM ,
Iday said...
Q1: something GMAT writers are very fond of :) never take variables to be integers :)
Q2: if u get to a solution like a or b, then it is not sufficient. Here x = -2 or -3 is not sufficient. u shdu be able to get 1 number.
Q3: * and # are +ve odd numbers and * > # machi. and when they say * + # = 6, there is only one possible combination :) Take it slow...
Q4: Remember that takign sqrt will always result in a + or - result. so u'll really ahev 4 equations to work with if u took sqrt on either side of (p - 10)^2 = p^2. u shud never do that.
40 in Princeton is fine. I guess it comes close to 47 in GMAT coz Princeton has a screwed up formula :)
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