My tryst with destiny

Dei shanmugam edra vandiya

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

IF (Infinite Fidelity, Indian Fanatsy, Idiotic Fumble.. whatever)

IF... nice word isn't it? One always try to use this word after making a failed attempt .......what IF i studied MBBS or what IF i became a painter.
The fact which we can't deny is that we chose the position what we are today ...o.k atleast played a part in it. So, all the IFs become useless since we are the one who made the condition true of false when the control flow came to that statement.
Still i can't resist myself asking many IFs. I would like to categorize my ifs to two sections. one positive and one negative.

what if i didn't chose GMAT to write and stuck with my techie job?
what if i don't cross even 700 mark (yes, EVEN 700 mark)?
what if i didn't get a job after spending much in a foreign b-school?
what if i really don't like the MBA stuff after learning what it is?
what if i meet an accident in the mid air leaving all my loans to my father?
Am i going too far?? May be yes but can some one deny all these possibilities.

what if i got 800 in GMAT?
what if i got to my dream college(do i have one?? yes:)) and get into a great company as a manager?
what if MBA is really what i expected?
what if i met with a strikingly young intelligent women in the plane who was destined to be my beloved wife?
Am i going too far?? Again..... may be yes but can some one deny all these possibilities.

Two guys in the entire universe have the strength to make a difference.
1. Me
2. God (oppurtunity, fate, luck, destiny - the name might differ based on who you are)


  • At 10:18 PM , Blogger P said...

    Pretty interesting... its the "Ifs" that actually play a mega important role in my otherwise often monotonous life..that and an over active imagination! :-)

  • At 1:51 AM , Blogger Inblue said...

    Humm. That IF is indeed a big thing. Notice that both the ifs will fight in you in the last week of the test. I am fighiting atleast a 100 different IF's now.

  • At 11:44 PM , Blogger Iday said...

    "12B" part two is it???
    i was expecting an IF on "Missing the flight" :P

    For the next one month, it is better that u shut down this half of ur brain and use only the productive side. GMAT throws out a lot of such situations.

    Get over it buddy.


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