Is it really logical to define fair skin as beautiful.?
Lets begin with purpose of life. What is the purpose of life? I want to be kind, be famous, be rich, be helpful, be adventurous........... In reality the sole purpose of your birth is to reproduce so that your kind is not extinct. WWHAAAAATTTTTT? you senseless Neanderthal. Hold your tongue a bit guys.
Agree or not we are born to reproduce. May be our sixth sense wont agree but that is how nature has designed not only us but the entire animal kingdom.
If nature comes to you and tell copulate with your opposite sex so as to continue your family tree. will you do that? Ofcourse not, what is in it for you? Thats why it has come with sexual feelings, harmones, Please shahjahan don't get me wrong

. Even your divine love is because nature wanted it u to reproduce. Nature has this bait called attraction. This attraction shud b logical. Nature wants only toughest to survive in this world. So, the attraction should lead to a successful birth, not miscarriages. birth of a tough offspring, not a stupid sopalangi(weak guy).
Hip and waist size, full lips, defined cheeks, and sizable breasts are all controlled by female sex hormones.
Tall figure, broad shoulders, prominent cheekbones, a strong jaw, hair in body are all dependent on male sex harmones.
So a person having all these features is the alpha male or female. These not only indicate harmone secretion but also shows how healthy you are. So logically everyone gets attracted to an opposite sex person so as to have an offspring strong enough to survive the world.

Now wait...aren't we living in a civilized world? we are not in some jungle. Exactly, we humans have evolved so the defintion of features of attraction should also evolve. Not every day you fight with someone to show your physical strength. Intelligence should be the feature we should be looking into.
Time to return to our original discussion. As you can see there is no place for colour in mutual attraction. Atleast logically speaking. All those guys who feel superior because of fair skin and inferior because of dark skin, you are really stupid. If you dont agree, leave it atleast nature would agree with me.
Disclaimer: Next time if your eyes unknowningly goes to see a women's breast. Dont feel bad. You are programmed to do so.